Part 1 of 2:
> Go to part 2
> Go to part 2
‘Which would you prefer, a pot that is too big or too small for your plant?’ Is a quote that has many interpretations and can symbolize different things to different people. But I think that most of the interpretations would be based on the fact that this quote embodies the nature of the human being. ‘Which would you prefer, a pot too big or too small for your plant?’ Maybe, our souls are the plant, and maybe, we are actively choosing our pots, day in and day out, in every breath , in every movement, in every action.
Arguably, most of us choose a pot that doesn’t fit. This manifests in different ways, maybe we are living at a mere fraction of our actual potential (most of us are). Which can be in a number of ways, maybe not even physically working enough or being productive enough but also making the moves and mental shifts we need to take, but we don’t. We are in a pot that is too small for our plant. In order for our plant (soul) to grow, we should realize where action is needed, or where growth is needed, or where change is needed. This can manifest in a way such as clinging on to what no longer benefits or suits us. Whether that be an identity, a lifestyle, or a relationship.
Or the reverse, we are doing too much. Sometimes we are rash in decision, ‘living life on the edge’ or too carefree. We don’t pay attention to the consequences of our actions and believe we are entitled to doing whatever we want. On a lesser degree this can manifest in a relationship that simply needs effort or to be tended to and instead you see something isn’t working and so cut it off prematurely without truly giving the relationship the time of day. Or maybe you quit a sport before seeing your true potential. You might be thinking, wouldn’t this emanate a small pot? No, because you believe the pot is so big, that it doesn’t matter enough to tend to.
The person with the small pot is clinging to something that isn’t there. While the person with the large pot believes life itself is clinging to him!
Part 2 of 2:
When we analyze these scenarios it is sound to the mind to accept as we live it daily. But what if…we don’t need a pot. What would happen then? What would happen if instead of trying to cling or be “cling-less” we instead take the plant (our souls) and put it inside the earth (or larger..think infinity). When I’m in my garden and do this we can immediately see the prosperity that comes from the plants. They are now healthy, nourished, satisfied, and doing better than when they were in any pot of any kind. But why? Possibly this is due to the fact that our true potential lies not in a casing, in one box, or idea. But our true potential lies in the extent to which we can stretch out and take from (or the embracing of all that there is).